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Convenience stands on top of the list and the reason why we created Xirify for you. Shop online or book a service anytime, anywhere. You can visit numerous stores, without leaving your home. You can make payments via electronic transactions, and the purchased products are delivered directly to your door.

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Browse all categories under Xirify’s shopping platform,  tailored to your dietary preferences (veg, non-veg, egg). Check out popular orders to make your choice easier! 

Category Business List: 

Tap a category to see a list of businesses offering items in that category, making it easy to explore exactly what you’re craving.

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Business Catalog

View comprehensive menus, including mouthwatering images and detailed descriptions. Here, you can search for specific items, and read reviews to make informed choices.

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Get notified of any add-ons available for your selections, allowing you to personalize your order effortlessly. Easily add extra toppings, sides, or drinks to perfect your meal.

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Here, you can see all items clearly in your cart, including quantities and prices. Easily modify your order, remove items, or change your delivery address for a seamless checkout experience.

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Order Tracker

Stay informed about your order's progress, from placement to delivery with our order tracker. Track your order status in real-time, and know exactly where your order is and when it will arrive.

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Order History

Review past and current orders, and unpaid orders in one convenient view. Quickly reorder your favorite items with just a few taps.

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Monthly Bill

Unpaid orders completed throughout the month are summarized here, making end-of-month payments a breeze.

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Role - Admin


An overview of the entire platform, including:

  • Number of registered companies, market centers, service providers, agents, and properties

  • A pie chart showing the revenue generated by different services

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Role - Business Manager


Provides an overview of the business’s performance, including:

  • Total revenue generated (received and pending)

  • Number of bookings/cancellations

  • Lost revenue

  • Total services offered

  • Number of customers and service executives

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